Infinity trainer state of decay 2
Infinity trainer state of decay 2

infinity trainer state of decay 2

RELATED: The Long Dark: Things Beginners Should Do First Still for new players that are struggling to make progress or veterans looking for ways to mess around with the game, loading in a cheat or two is always acceptable.

  • unban (User Index) - Unbans a player from the server.With the constant threat of your save file being deleted should you die, it can often feel like a long uphill battle in The Long Dark, which is also part of its appeal.
  • Unbind (Key Combination) - Delete target keybinding.
  • TeleportToPlayer (User) - Teleport to player location.
  • TeleportToChunkWaypoint (Unnamed Argument) - Teleport player to entered waypoint.
  • TeleportToChunk (Unnamed Argument) - Teleport player to chunk co-ordinate.
  • TeleportPlayerToMousePosition (User) - Teleports a player to current mouse cursor position.
  • TeleportPlayerToMe (User) - Teleports a player to your location.
  • setadminlevel (user, level) - Set or change the admin level of a user.
  • PlayerTeleport - Teleport player to mouse cursor position.
  • infinity trainer state of decay 2

  • MultiCommand (Commands) - Executes multiple commands separated by the semi colon ( ) character.
  • localization (Language) - Set localization language.
  • listusers (Include Disconnected) - Lists users that are active on the server.
  • List (Optional: Category) - Lists all existing commands and categories.
  • kick (Character Name) - Kicks a player from the server.
  • hidecursor (Unnamed Argument) - Set whether the cursor should be hidden or not.
  • giveset (What) - Set value on the nearest entity.
  • give (What, Amount) - Set value on the nearest entity.
  • GatherAllPlayersExceptMe - Teleports all players, except you, to mouse cursor position.
  • GatherAllPlayers - Teleports all players to mouse cursor position.
  • GatherAllNonAllies - Teleport all non-allies to mouse cursor position.
  • GatherAllAlliesExceptMe - Teleports all allies, except you, to mouse cursor position.
  • GatherAllAllies - Teleports all allies to mouse cursor position.
  • Disconnect - Disconnects from the server.
  • Connect (address or steamid, port, password) - Connects to a server.
  • infinity trainer state of decay 2

    claninvite (Unnamed Argument) - Invites Player to clan.ClearTempBindings - Clears out all existing temporary key bindings.Clear - Clears all text from the console.banuser (Steam ID) - Bans the user with the specified Steam ID from the server.bancharacter (Character Name) - Bans the user playing with the specified character name from the server.Admindeauth - Relinquishes admin privileges.

    infinity trainer state of decay 2

    Alias (Alias, Command) - Removes target alias.I’ve separated the more technical/debugging related ones with those that you’re actually more likely to use: You can get this list yourself by typing “List” into the console. In case you want to play around yourself, here are all of the console and root level commands that are available in the game along with their description. (Image credit: Stunlock Studios) V Rising console commands list

    Infinity trainer state of decay 2